Ark ragnarok подводные пещеры для строительства


Существует два вида пещер: поверхностные пещеры и подводные пещеры. Вы можете найти их по всему периметру карты. Некоторые из них действительно трудно найти, тяжело их исследовать и сложно из них выйти. Они все имеют хорошие ресурсы и бонусы, но будьте осторожны, в них вас поджидают враги. А так же в пещере легко заблудиться.


Существа обитающие в пещерах

Пещеры на поверхности

Искателям приключений предстоит иметь дело с весьма сложными ситуациями, опасные прыжки в узких пространствах и подводные проходы. Каждая пещера имеет ящики с предметами для разных уровней и один уникальный артефакт.

Пещера Артефакт Широта Долгота Уровень ящиков
Нижняя, Юг Артефакт Охотника 80.3° 53.5° 10
Центральная Артефакт Мудрости 41.5° 46.9° 10
Верхняя, Юг Артефакт Стаи 68.2° 56.2° 25
Юго-Восточная Артефакт Целостности 70.6° 86.1° 40
Северо-Западная Артефакт Небесного лорда 19.3° 19.0° 40
Северо-Восточная Артефакт Пожирателя 14.7° 85.4° 55
Снежная пещера Артефакт Силы 29.1° 31.8°
Болотная пещера Артефакт Неуязвимости 62.7° 37.3° 50/70
  • Узкие проходы
  • Запутанность ходов лабиринта, вследствие чего можно заблудиться.

Верхняя Южная Пещера

Чтобы попасть в неё вам нужно проплыть сквозь крокодилов или убить их. Враги:

  • Экстремальный холод
  • Огромные полчища врагов под водой
  • Большая пещера в игре. Холод может замедлить регенерацию вашего здоровья, а так же убить вас. Вам понадобится много вяленого мяса и пакеты с кровью.
  • Очень большая часть пещеры находиться под водой. Вам понадобится не менее 400 очков кислорода или суп из Лазуруса для комфортного прохождения подводной части.
  • Подводную часть населяют пираньи и крокодилы. Иногда вам придется сражаться против 20-30 пираний сразу. Они будут ломать вашу броню по частям. Чтобы избежать смерти захватите с собой дополнительную броню.
  • Если вы не любите подводные сражения, то эта пещера будет сложной для вас.

Нижняя Южная Пещера

  • Очень холодно (берите как можно больше еды).
  • Потеряться (очень легко забыть в какую сторону вы повернули).
  • Одна из самых малоопасных пещер. Можно хорошо набивать опыт.
  • Можно добыть хорошее количество металла, но убедитесь что вы можете защитить себя от существ живущих в пещере.

Юго-Восточная Пещера

  • Очень жарко (зеленые кристаллы могут охладить вас).
  • Опасные прыжки по пещере, даже парашют не спасет вас от лавы.
  • В пещере есть мост, не рекомендуем попадаться динозаврам переходя его.
  • Зеленые кристаллы помогут вам охладиться, так как стены пещеры будут нагревать вас.

Северо-Центральная Пещера

Северо-Западная Пещера

Северо-Восточная Пещера

Вам придется спускаться по спиральным отвесам пещеры вниз.

  • Опасные прыжки;
  • Экстремальный холод;
  • Одна из самых сложных пещер в игре, вам понадобится много еды и пакетов с кровью.
  • Это пещера обитель летучих мышей.
  • При спуске вниз вас ждут опасные прыжки, советуем запастись парашютами.
  • Подводный вход в пещеру убережет вас от преследования опасных динозавров.

Подводные Пещеры

Существует как минимум 12 подтвержденных подводных пещер. Они встречаются по периметру острова в глубоководных районах океана. Очень не легко и трудно найти эти пещеры, но отыскав их вы получаете преимущество в добыче Oil/Нефти, Silica Pearls/Жемчуга, Crystal/Кристаллов. Такие пещеры находятся под водой в больших округлых скалах. Вход можно определить по выходящим белым пузырькам в виде белой линии.

Внутри пещеры вас может ожидать большое скопление Silica Pearls/Жемчуга. Вы можете собрать до 50 штук за один заход. Так же встречается Oil/Нефть, но в меньших количествах чем за пределами пещеры или около неё. Вокруг пещеры можно так же собрать Oil/Нефть, Silica Pearls/Жемчуг, ведь вы можете заплыть в пещеру чтобы восстановить запас кислорода.


Ark ragnarok подводные пещеры для строительства

We are excited to announce that we are rebranding and restructuring the entire One Angry Gamer project. The previous webmaster has decided to invest his time into other ventures and had passed over the reigns to a new team. will be on maintenance up until around March 2021, might be up and running a lot sooner – depends from investors, keep your eyes out for updates! (Comment sections will be opened again as soon as they are revised and cleaned up)

The new ownership is not responsible for any of the content that has been made up until 01/01/2021. If there are people who’d wish to edit their content or have issues regarding this topic, do not hesitate and contact us at: admin @ oneangrygamer (dot) net

We will start this journey by giving a website a new look, a more convenient functionality and a slight change to the politically related content. We will mainly be focusing on high quality articles on your favorite topics: games, cheats, discounts, technology news and so on.

The Terms of Service will be revised and updated according to Google’s AdSense policies, which can be found here: Hope you will understand why this change was mandatory to secure the survival of OAG

We hope you will stay with us on this big step for the OAGamer community and talk to you soon!

We are also looking for passionate, hard-working writers to join our new team!

Potential investors can contact us at: admin @ oneangrygamer (dot) net for business inquires as well.

Sonic Forces 2 Accidentally Leaked on Sega’s Website

Released in 2017, Sonic Forces coupled with Sonic Mania to unify the overarching story of the original games into one cohesive story. Along with the providing justification for the randomness to the levels and how Sonic managed to traverse to so any different locales with such speed. It also allowed players to create their own OC, which combined with Harambe’s death, gave us 2020. Continue reading “Sonic Forces 2 Accidentally Leaked on Sega’s Website”

Microsoft Brings in New Lead For 343 Industries

343 Industries is not a well-beloved developer. From delivering inferior products to attempting to kill off Master Chief, to focusing on politics instead of delivering a quality product, the studio has been nothing more than a black stain on Halo’s illustrious history. No surprise, then the development of Halo Infinite has been rocked with problems that preceded the outbreak of the coronavirus. Continue reading “Microsoft Brings in New Lead For 343 Industries”

TLOU 2’s Dina’s Face Model Appears Mortified During Lets Play

Imagine yourself in Cascina Caradonna’s position. After years of hard work, you get the call that you are going to be the face model for a pivotal character in an upcoming blockbuster game. One you believe will go on to sell millions and hit the market with immense acclaim from both gamers and the media. Only to have that dream turned into an absolute nightmare. Continue reading “TLOU 2’s Dina’s Face Model Appears Mortified During Lets Play”

Editorial: Epic Wins Their Temporary Restraining Order Rendering the Courts the New Central Planners

Buckle in and sit down, for it is time for a lesson in liberty. This has become a necessity to remedy an ongoing misconception that continues to permeate our comment section from our more vocal critics. These critics have alleged in my coverage of the Apple/Epic lawsuit that I have defended Apple against Epic. In doing so, I have unveiled some unsavory nature to my character. Continue reading “Editorial: Epic Wins Their Temporary Restraining Order Rendering the Courts the New Central Planners”

Multiple Developers Leave Lab Zero After A Failed Coup

Woke employees will always attempt to converge your company. Doing so gives their life purpose, it elevates them among their peers, and affords them the power they otherwise would never have. Many companies are waking up to this reality and are taking steps to avoid hiring the social justice oriented. Continue reading “Multiple Developers Leave Lab Zero After A Failed Coup”

Serious Sam 4 ESRB Rating Includes Exposed Harpy Boobs And Butt

Serious Sam 4 came under fan fire due to the Scythian Witch-Harpy not proudly taunting her endowments during the late part of May. Although a dev from Croteam clarified that the Harpy is going to be uncensored in the full version, some fans expressed their concerns regarding the whole situation given the current political climate. With that said, the official rating from the Entertainment Software Association (ESRB) notes that the Harpy will showcase everything and more come September 24th. Continue reading “Serious Sam 4 ESRB Rating Includes Exposed Harpy Boobs And Butt”

Hitman 3 PC Specs Surface On The Epic Games Store

IO Interactive is gearing up to release Hitman 3 in January 2021. Although the game has no specific release date and is many months away, it’s slated to release across PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS5, and Xbox Series X. However, the former platform will be restricted to being an Epic Games Store timed exclusive next year and its specs for said client have surfaced. Continue reading “Hitman 3 PC Specs Surface On The Epic Games Store”

Netflix To Air Dragon’s Dogma On September 17th, 2020

Netflix, the controversial streaming service, is looking to bring more video game adaptations to the small screen, and Capcom’s Dragon’s Dogma will be one of the many games to premier on the subscription-based platform this September. Starring Greg Chun, Erica Mendez, and Cristina Vee, the TV series will follow Ethan as an Arisen as he sets out to vanquish the Dragon that sundered his life. Continue reading “Netflix To Air Dragon’s Dogma On September 17th, 2020”

Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time File Size Surfaces, Calls For 30GB Of Free Space

Activision and Toys for Bob are gearing up to release Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time for PS4 and Xbox One in the next couple of months. With that said, the October due game isn’t calling for gamers and fans alike to free up that much space since the game only takes up 30GB. Continue reading “Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time File Size Surfaces, Calls For 30GB Of Free Space”

Mafia 4 Would Be A Thrill To Make, Says Hangar 13

When Hangar 13 isn’t trying to be a political activist development team, you can expect the company to be fantasizing over the idea of making the next entry in the ongoing Mafia series of games. Yes, Hangar 13 notes in a recent interview that work on Mafia 4 would be a “thrilling” task. Continue reading “Mafia 4 Would Be A Thrill To Make, Says Hangar 13”

What Epic Hopes to Achieve With Their Lawsuit Will End The Game Industry As We Know It

Not gold, nor power or privilege, did it cost Epic to convince consumers to work against their better interest. All it cost them was offering a 20% discount when giving them money, and people were hailing them as the conquering hero. Here at long last to vanquish the evil multi-billion dollar conglomerate who had the audacity to charge the industry standard 30% rate. Continue reading “What Epic Hopes to Achieve With Their Lawsuit Will End The Game Industry As We Know It”

Activision Removes Tiananmen Square Clip From Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War After China Bans Trailer

It looks like all those people that kept calling Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War “Based” and “red-pilled” are now eating crow because Activision and Treyarch have censored themselves to lick up all of China’s testicular secretions from the filthy ground. As of recent, the official Call of Duty YouTube channel released a cut trailer of the official Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War video, and it’s missing the Tiananmen Square footage given that China banned the trailer for potentially provoking “public grievances.” Continue reading “Activision Removes Tiananmen Square Clip From Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War After China Bans Trailer”


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