Anno 1404 строительство города

Лайвхак для успешного старта в игре Anno 1404

Доброго времени суток дорогие читатели. Сегодня я расскажу вам несколько лайвхаков которые помогут вам на старте в Anno 1404.

В самом начале вы появляетесь у острова Лорда Ричерда. Сразу скупаем у него все ресурсы которые имеются в продаже и выбираем самый большой остров на карте. Если изначально ваша карта закрыта, то исследуйте её максимально быстро в поисках самого большого острова. Не обращайте внимания на то какие плодородия есть на острове, так как на нём выращиваться ничего не будет. Самый большой остров будет только под застройку. Эта будет ваша столица, где будет жить основное население вашего государства.

Теперь покупаем подарок у Ричарда для Аль Захира и плывём с ним к нему. Он нам даёт корабль и возможность строить восточные строения. Выбираем максимально близкий к нашему острову, остров с финиками и пряностями, располагаемся там и начинаем максимально быстро добывать пряности и отправлять их на основной остров. Тоже самое делаем и с другими ресурсами которые необходимы для населения.

Мы просто захватываем все ближайшие острова и выращиваем там всё то, в чём нуждается наш народ на основном острове. За репутацию мы набираем кораблей у Ричард.

После того как мы наладили логистику, наша задача начать добыть как можно больше денег. Делаем это следующим образом:

Все ваши корабли будут иметь излишки тех продуктов которые они перевозят. Наша задача построить торговый путь так, что бы ресурсы сначала плыли в столицу, а после плыли на острова других игроков и продавали излишки там. Таким образом производство не будет останавливаться, в столице всегда будет всё что надо народу, а остатки будут продаваться.

Так же в начале игры хороший заработок приносит продажа канатов. Находим большой остров где можно выращивать необходимые ресурсы для создания канатов, и размещаем всё это производство на нём. Берём большой торговый корабль и ставим его на маршрут : Забирает канаты с острова — везёт на продажу на ближайший остров нейтрального игрока.

Первые пару часов мы играем без войны, пиратам платим за мир, с другими игроками налаживаем отношения при помощи денег комплиментов. Если вы начнёте воевать, то вся ваша экономика будет под угрозой. Если один из ваших торговых путей будет атакован и вы не сможете его защитить, то вы это почувствуете очень скоро и это на прямую будет касаться ваших денег и не только.

На каждом из ваших островов всегда будут излишки ресурсов которые надо куда то девать. Наша задача выставить на продажу тот ресурс который добывается на острове. Если добывается много ресурсов, то выставляем на продажу то, что производится из сырья. Таким образом вы постоянно будете получать не плохой пассивный доход со всех островов и возможно вы будете в плюсе по деньгам, в то время когда населения не приносит достаточно денег и месячные налоги у вас находятся в минусе.

Про хитрости этой игры можно говорить бесконечно. Если вам интересно и дальше читать мои посты, то можете просто поставить + в комментариях и тогда уже совсем скоро я расскажу вам еще об одной очень важной вещи о которой нельзя забывать играя в это игру !


Building layout strategies

This page gives examples of efficient layouts for houses and production facilities so the flow of goods is fast and space is conserved.


Housing [ edit | edit source ]

League of Ungentlemanly Warfare’s Occidental Layout [ edit | edit source ]

This is the final layout of League of Ungentlemanly Warfare’s Occidental Layout [1] . It’s built using blocks of 6×2 Houses. The build is simple, provides excellent coverage, and other blocks can be added easily;

Additionally, if not playing with Fires, Disease, Wear, or Spies; the Carpenter’s Hut, Surgeon, Base of operations, and Fire House can all be replaced with standard houses. The Alms house can also be changed to housing if not required.

Peasant Class This is the base starting point. Chapel coverage is sub-optimal but due to Population rules only 80% of houses can become Citizens anyway. Eventually the Chapel will be bulldozed and replaced with the Church as above. Citizen Class Citizen Buildings have been added as needed. Keep the houses if not playing with disaster buildings. After Patricians, demolish houses to make room for the Debtor’s prison and Church as in the first image. Scaled 4 ‘block layouts’ built together. Coverage is excellent except for the donut hole; Fire, Tavern, Spy, & Disease coverage is only partial in this zone. Carpentry, Security, & Religious coverage is 100%. Options for filling the hole are additional disaster buildings to get 100% coverage (Fire and Disease), Base of Operations (instead of putting them in every Marketplace), Tournament Building, Keep, Provisions House, Alms Houses (if not needing as many as one per block) or decorative items (Manorial Palace, etc). In Game Picture In game picture, donut holes here has Marketplace, Keep, and Tournament

Large scale occidental layout [ edit | edit source ]

Big City building plan

Building plan with calamity buildings

Preparing for «Need-Buildings»

This building plan is for 4 Market Places, which are flipped symmetrically: with a horizontal and a vertical axis.

The first image shows the outcome, if you are playing without the need for Carpenters, Fire Stations and Surgeries.
The second image shows where to place calamity buildings (Carpenters, Fire Stations and Surgeries) if you set up game for them. This will «cost» you 9 Houses per Market Building.
The third image shows how to prepare for the «Need Buildings»: Build the houses in this way, so (later on) to easily make place for the Tavern, Church and Prison.

In the first image the center is left open. This is best filled with a Market Building. An additional Market Place can be build here, but houses built around it will be out of the influence areas of the «Need Buildings». You could make a beautiful garden here, as well.

4 Market Place ·
340 Houses ·
16 Chapels ·
4 Church ·
12 Taverns ·
4 Prisons

Small versatile occidental layout [ edit | edit source ]

Layout with patricians

Layout with noblemen

A small, flexible and easy to build layout with 100 houses. Exactly enough houses to get you to Noblemen from scratch. It’s also very versatile, because the marketplaces on the edges can fascilitate things surrounding the village (e.g. defences, lumberjacks, toolmakers, etc.). You can also ignore the market places if other markets already are placed in the area.

Nearly every house has access to all the service-buildings. Only the left-most column doesn’t have access to the tavern and the middle-two houses next to the marketplace aren’t protected by the Spy houses.

The colors represent the ratios of promotions (grey = peasant, green = citizen, red = patrician, pink = nobleman).

Alms house can easily be added above the left-most fire station by replacing the house and the three roads above.

Chapels can be built on the location of the Church and the Prison.

Layout can be scaled in all directions.

1 Marketplace · 100 houses · 1 church · 3 carpenter’s house · 2 fire stations · 4 bases of operation · 1 tavern · 1 debtor’s prison · (2 surgeries) · 4 small market buildings

Small scale occidental layout [ edit | edit source ]

Small village with 84 houses and additional space for 4 chapels, 4 Carpenter’s house, 2 taverns, 1 Debtor’s Prison and 1 church (also space for an Alms house). Every house has got access to every service-building. Good if you want minimum amount of vacant space.

For protection against sickness and plague and fire, additional houses must be demolished to make space for such facilities.

1 Marketplace · 87 houses · 4 chapels · 4 carpenter’s house · 2 taverns · 1 debtor’s prison · 1 church

Occidental layout I [ edit | edit source ]

A single set of utility buildings providing services for 101 houses. All houses get church access, so all can advance to at least citizen class. I have never gotten a plague using this layout, and fires are very rare if you use stone roads (less than one per 5 hours of gameplay). The market building can be omitted if you have something else covering the carpenters on the side already. Replace the inner carpenters/doctors with more houses if you have fire/plague disabled.

Second Image shows where to put Fire Stations, if you want them. Doesn’t support the 3 Houses at top or bottom.

1 Marketplace · 101 Houses · 1 Church · 1 Tavern · 1 Debtor’s prison · 4 Carpenter’s houses · 2 Surgeries · 1 Small market building

Occidental layout II [ edit | edit source ]

This city is centered around the church, however this city layout is designed such that you can build it stepwise as your population develops. You first build the left marketplace and the chapel left of the place where the tavern will come later on (red empty rectangle). Once you have build the left part of the city with the church, you can build the second marketplace expand to right. With the complete city and your first Noblemen you normally have enough income to start building a big army and start waging wars.

Alms houses can be built instead of a house at the edge of the city.

  • Possible to build step by step
  • The doctors and carpenters are placed near the crossroads
  • The doctors and carpenters can’t reach the other side of the city so they serve a smaller area but at a higher efficiency
  • Long straight roads are easy for person finding quests
  • Easy to fit between mountains and rivers on all large islands
  • Minimum of public buildings
  • Without an extra market building or place 4 houses in the corners can have no road connection

2 Marketplaces · 152 + 4 Houses · 1 Chapel · 1 Tavern · 4 Carpenter’s house · 4 Surgeries · 1 Debtor’s prison · 1 Church ·

Oriental layout [ edit | edit source ]

1 Bazaar · 108 Houses · 1 Mosque · 1 Bath house

Imperial Cathedral with houses I [ edit | edit source ]

Imperial Cathedral with 334 houses

The placement of an Imperial Cathedral is best on a still empty piece of land. For you don’t have to demolish any houses and facilities such as chapels, churches, taverns and prisons. Leave a «corner» on your main island to take advantage of the enormous influence area of the Imperial Cathedral.

1 Imperial Cathedral · 334 houses

Imperial Cathedral with houses II [ edit | edit source ]

Imperial Cathedral with 342 houses, and a straight design.

As said before, take enough space! The plan before this one is a lot of work, and demands precision, this one is more simple and has more houses! P.S.:You can`t see the whole plan, but its mirrored, so it won`t be difficult to do this.

Ctrl and scroll to zoom

1 Imperial Cathedral · 342 houses

Imperial Cathedral with houses III [ edit | edit source ]

Plan beforehand. You will need some market buildings in order to finish some roads.

In this picture 6 houses are replaced with Base of Operations. These 6 can cover the whole area.

Sultan’s Mosque with houses [ edit | edit source ]

Plan beforehand. You will need some market buildings in order to finish some roads.

In this picture 6 houses are replaced with Base of Operations. These 6 can cover the whole area.

Imperial Cathedral with houses and protection buildings [ edit | edit source ]

This layout covers all houses with all three protection buildings (fire station, carpenter and surgery). Some of them are outside of the influcence area of the imperal cathedral to save space, so you will need a few warehouses to place them.

The cyan carpenter has only three houses in his area, so you can just place it on a per-need basis.

Also the roads are quite long, so to garantuee fast help, build stone streets or similar.

1 Imperial Cathedral

One Market Place — 100 houses [ edit | edit source ]

1 Market Place, how many houses does it fit?

One Market Place can «hold» 100 houses. When you start out on an island, start with as many houses (read: tax income) as possible within the influence area of 1 Market Place. Once you have juiced the people of enough taxes — and they demand a chapel — demolish the four corner houses, and replace them with chapels. (Edit: The chapels won’t just be placeable, you need to remove some roads first to fit it in.)

1 Market Place · 100 Houses, or · 96 Houses · 4 Chapels

Single production steps [ edit | edit source ]

Even though farms usually do not need a road connection (the next building in the production chain can collect the goods directly), there are advantages to providing road connections.

  • Allows stockpiling of intermediate goods. Useful as additional buffer or to complete quests with. Examples:
    • On an Occidental island, your silk and indigo can be wired directly to a carpet factory. If the silk and indigo are not running at the same percent productivity, the more productive one will waste product.
    • If you need iron ore for a quest and you’ve wired ore directly into a smelter, you can’t simply turn off the smelter and have iron ore show up in your warehouse. (Of course, you might be able to make a path and/or rebuild something in the way, later.)
  • Allows separating of farms and production buildings. This prevents production building staff to take long walks for small amounts of goods. Production buildings with a large collection range and high throughput (e.g. mill, bakery) can spend so much time visiting other buildings that they don’t operate on full capacity.

Placement of 4 rectangle fields (base model) [ edit | edit source ]

Placement of 5 rectangle fields (base model) [ edit | edit source ]

Placement of 4 or 5 rectangle fields (base model) [ edit | edit source ]

Placement of 6 rectangle fields (base model) [ edit | edit source ]

Placement of 8 rectangle fields (base model) [ edit | edit source ]

The placement of 4 production buildings, with 1 Market Building. The size of the farms are 3×4.
The placement of 5 production buildings, with 1 Market Building. The size of the farms are 3×4. There is even room for 2 additional farms. This does not make production go faster, or make efficiency go up, but looks nicely full.
Uses Noria exploit. The placement of 5 production buildings, with 1 Market Building. The size of the farms are 3×4. To increase efficiency, add more Market Buildings with (almost) the same layout (second image).Every Market Building needs a 7+4+7 height and 5+4+5 width (18×14 in total)
The placement of 6 production buildings, with 1 Market Building. The size of the farms are 3×4. Two buildings (from one diagonal line) have only 5 fields. But in total this base model is easily copied.
The placement of 8 production buildings, with 1 Market Building. The size of the farms are 2×3.
All huts run at 100%, although you may have to press the Cultivate button after building the roads to get them back up to 100% (Note that it is significantly cheaper to manually build any required trees at 5 gold per tree, each tree gives

3% productivity). There is one tile of overlap between each pair of huts.

The small market building can almost completely keep up with production when using dirt roads, and keeps up without trouble if you upgrade to stone roads.

All huts can run at 100%. The roads outside are to show the boundary of this layout. You will need to manually plant trees or even remove existing trees if they are too large. Best if you remove all existing trees first before manually planting all trees.
All huts run at 100% (see noria exploit), remember to press the Cultivate button after building the roads.

Cider / Hemp / Spices

Uses 63 tiles per farm.

If you use this for spices and don’t have (enough) irrigated land, you can either place norias beside the blocks or replace two fields (of different farms) with small norias and use the noria exploit.

You can place lots of farms at both sides of the large norias column. All plantations runs at 100% (see noria exploit).
Cider / Hemp

16 Hemp/Cider farms, all fields within the market radius.
(Almost) all Oriental Farms

You can build farms up to 5 fields. If the farm doesn’t need a road, you don’t need to build the road (red).

In the middle you can build a market building with a small noria, a market building with a process building or 2 process buildings. The choice is yours.

If you build a spice farm you can leave 1 field (yellow) and build a large noria, market building, or process building instead.

Large Norias can also be set at the edge.

A layout for 24 spice farms around 5 norias. All farms run at 100% (see noria exploit). Fits in a 29×28 area.
Wheat / Milk

Wheat/Milk farm layout

Uses 64 tiles per farm.

Four blocks are displayed, showing how multiple blocks can be combined without wasting space in between.

Note that since goat farms don’t require any fertilities, you can build them on northern islands. If you’re building goat farms on infertile land, you can either place noria’s beside the blocks, or replace some fields (of different farms) with norias and use the noria exploit.

Wheat / Milk 92% Efficiency, 6 fields. 28×12
Wheat / Milk / Cattle farms

Uses 37 tiles per farm.

For wheat adequate fertility is also necessary.

Keep in mind that wheat cannot grow on southern islands, and that all these facilities can be built on northern islands. This setup should only be used when you have no more building space left! Otherwise it would be a waste of money, because a noria exploit costs more money in maintenance than a regular farm.

24 milk plantations on 4 norias

Grid Layout of the previous image

Only usable on southern islands with use of noria exploit. 24 goat milk farms with 4 norias run on 100% efficiency.

Be aware that each milk ton produced does drain water from every noria which will noticeably up the cost of milk (due to its low value).

Dates / Indigo / Silk / Coffee / Sugar

Date/Indigo/Silk/Coffee/Sugar farms with noria exploit

A layout for 22 Date / Indigo / Silk / Coffee / Sugar farms around 6 norias. All farms run at 100% efficiency (see noria exploit).

This layout is not suitable for grapes. [2]

Dates / Indigo / Silk / Coffee / Sugar

Rectangular Layout for Noria Exploit

This is a similar layout to the one above, I just moved the market buildings to the corners to create a rectangular layout.
Grapes / Dates / Indigo / Silk / Coffee / Sugar

Grapes/Dates/Indigo/Silk/Coffee/Sugar farm layout

This layout is usable for grape, date, indigo, silk, coffee and sugar plantations on green soil.

Uses 76.25 tiles per farm.

Four blocks are displayed, showing how to combine multiple blocks while wasting only one tile per block.

Dates / Indigo / Silk / Coffee / Sugar

This layout is usable for date, indigo, silk, coffee and sugar plantations on dry soil including norias. The warehouses on the end of the layout can be used for quarries or other production facilities. On strictly dry soil the farms produce at a reduced rate (91%).

Uses 82.25 tiles per farm, where 69 is theoretical minimum. Does not use the noria exploit.

Four blocks are displayed, showing how to combine multiple blocks while wasting only 3 tiles between «columns».

A layout for 18 grape plantations around 9 norias (usable for northern islands). All farms run at 100% (see noria exploit).
Monastery gardens
(for beer)

Herb farms are very flexible in their placement due to their small fields, so you will typically cram these into otherwise unused corners of your island. However, if you have large amounts of open space and want to use it efficiently, you can use this layout.

Uses 63 tiles per herb farm, where 57 tiles is the absolute minimum.

Four blocks are displayed, showing how multiple blocks can be combined without wasting space in between.

4 Herbs farm layout

This is an alternative to the layout shown above. This uses up the same amount of space as the one above, but, as you can see, the layout resembles in a square, allowing you to be more flexible when combining multiple of these layouts. Ultimately, the shape of your «beer island» would probably determine which of these 2 layouts you would prefer.

Note that 3 fields are slightly off the monastery radius, but the efficiency is still 100% and you do not need to rebuild the monastery to build the fields.

Three blocks are displayed, showing how multiple blocks can be combined with minimal wasted space in between.

Animal hides
(for leather jerkins) / Cattle Farms (for meat)

Upper layout uses 67.5 tiles per farm where 73 tiles is the absolute minimum without noria exploit. The lower layout uses 60 tiles per farm, but you have to use the field exploit (see below) which will result in higher building costs.

Both layouts work on southern and northern islands. Pig farms run at 100% with 3 norias or 2 norias on dry soil. They will run at 95% with 2 norias on fertile soil.

Cattle farms run at 100% with 3 norias.

There is also space to for other buildings, e.g. process plants.

Cattle farms
(for meat)

Layout for cattle farms

Uses 100 tiles per cattle farm, where 89 tiles is the absolute minimum.

Cattle farms need five 4×4 fields; pig farms only need four 4×4 fields.

Layout for processing plants

Although you can usually place processing plants such as Weaver’s Huts and Wine Presses near your warehouse — it has spare market carts anyway — sometimes this does not work well. For example, once your city grows large, you need so much bread that you cannot place all of your mills and bakeries next to a single warehouse and have them all close enough to work at maximum capacity. In this case, the layout shown here is a good alternative.

Works for any processing buildings.

Note: keep bakeries and mills well separated if you have many; otherwise they will be tempted to pick up goods directly and waste time taking long walks.

This layout is usable for apiaries (64 tiles per apiary). Is square, so scales easily and without wasting space between blocks.

The extended road deadspaces allow some «give» on the corners of the layout. If you barely can’t fit a tight corner (15 tiles, not 16), you can push in a set of beehives along an edge. And since it’s symmetrical, you can do a «mirror image», if needed. The extended road spaces can also let you place factories or whatever at the edge of the configuration, although you may need stone roads or to enlarge the market building so it can keep up.

Rose nurseries
(for perfume)

Rose nurseries with noria exploit

Uses noria exploit.

A block of 18 rose nurseries supplied by 7 small norias. All nurseries operate at 100% (see noria exploit).

You can place perfumeries along the road if you like.

Rose nurseries
(for perfume)

Rose nurseries with noria exploit

Uses noria exploit.

A perfect 23×23 square of 18 rose nurseries supplied by 7 small norias and 2 market buildings. All nurseries operate at 100% on dry soil (see noria exploit).

This layout uses 29.38 tiles per farm where 21 is the absolute minimum with noria exploit and 81 without.

Rose nurseries
(for perfume)

Rose nursery layout

This layout is usable for rose nurseries on fertile soil, or with norias added around it.

Uses 90 tiles per nursery, where 81 tiles is the absolute minimum without using the noria exploit.

This alternative layout allows 1 marketplace to supply 6 rose nurseries in a perfect 18×30 rectangle. May require market building upgrade.

Does not include norias so suitable for fertile soil or with norias added around it.

This layout is used for almonds on fertile soil or with norias around it.

Uses 100 tiles per almond plant, where 89 is the minimum without the noria exploit.

Grid Layout of the previous image

These are 24 almond farms supplied by 6 small norias. All farms operate at 100% (see noria exploit).

(small norias)

20 Single-field grape plantations at 100%

This scaleable layout used for 20 single-field grape plantations around 9 norias uses only 2 market buildings. All fields run at 100% capacity using the noria exploit. Uses 30.45 tiles per plantation where 21 is the minimum.

8 Oriental Farm Structure
(eg for 4 carpet workshops)

A simple configuration that balances space and economy. All 5 field farms run at 100% on dry soil. Pictured are 8 farms for the production of carpets which supply 4 carpet workshops. Also works for 8 Date plantations, Sugar farms or Coffee plantations. Can be modified for 6 Rose farms running at 100% using 4 fields per farm with 2 integrated Perfumeries. Can also be used for Spice farms however only 1 field per farm is saved making it less space efficient. Can be modified for 10 Spice farms running at 95% (9.5 farm equivalent) with 2 fields each. Uses noria exploit but is highly economical as only 2 Norias are used.

Cider and Hemp with Noria Exploit

18 Hemp or Cider farms all working at 100%. Uses noria exploit.
Cider and Hemp with Noria Exploit

28 Hemp or Cider farms all working at 100%. Uses noria exploit.

The 8 farms on the outskirts, next to the Market buildings with 1 field work at 92% and they would need to be reached by 1 more noria, 7 being the number to raise 1 field from 25 to 100%.

Large Noria exploit for farms with 5 or 4 fields.

40×5 field or 4 field farms (Cider, Hemp, Vineyard, Date, Indigo, Silk, Spice, Coffee, Sugar cane) with 100% efficiency. Needs 44×44 tiles with 4 large Norias for Noria exploit to work. Additionally there are 12 3×3 space for any production buildings(Roasting house, Carpet workshop, etc or anything)

Note: 2 Market Buildings are not necessary, instead the one on edge can be replaced by 4×4 production building(Clay pit).

Full production chains [ edit | edit source ]

Creating production chain clusters also has its advantages.

  • No road connection to intermediate buildings needed, allowing for more compact layouts.
  • Fewer market buildings needed, saving maintenance cost and space.

4 Linen + 8 farms use 512 tiles on 20х26 rectangle ( 97,7% efficiency )

4 wine production chains — 22×44


Chee’s Bread Production Loop

Bread loop, 2x Wheat Farm, 1x Mill and 1x Bakery. Can support 725 Patricians/1025 Noblemen [3] .If the last field is just out of reach, try temporarily placing a farm to build it, destroy the farm and then rebuild it like pictured.

As a small variation, you can swap the position of the mill and the wheat farm furthest from the road. This way, you don’t have to destroy and rebuild. All buildings still operate at 100%.

Bread Bread Production Loop 4 Farm,2 Mill 2 Bakery. Only 2 green pixels.

86% Space Efficiency

Modified Chee’s Bread Loop x4

The best thing about this modified version of Chee’s bread production loop is that you never have to ‘temporarily destroy and rebuild’ wheat farms (and it saves some space around the edges).

90% Space Efficiency — When built in shown layout.

Bread production loop by Agmas

Revised version by Sting_McRay

A Bread production loop that is less elongated than other layouts, and so may more appropriately fit into specific locations.

3 Bakeries, 3 Mills and 6 Crop Farms

94% Space Efficiency

Layour for four breweries plus farms

Four breweries and their required farms.

Uses 140 tiles per brewery, where 123 is the theoretical minimum.

Beer An alternative layout of 4 breweries using 135 tiles per brewery. This layout can be combined multiple times leaving just little wasted space. The drawback is that you need a rather large island and gaps need to be filled with other structures. That is why I usually use single production steps for beer instead.

86% Space Efficiency

16 x 32 Layout for 4 Beer Production Chains

4 Beer chains with only 2 empty squares and 2 roads.

99% Space Efficiency

Delra’s Coffee layout

Coffee loop, 2x Coffee Plantations, 1x Coffee Shop and 1x Small Noria. Can support 1000 Envoys.

Delra’s Rope layout

Rope production layout consisting of 2x Hemp Plantations each with 4 fields and 2x Rope Yards built right next-door for fast resource inflow.
Linen + Ropes

Magers M.D.’s Linen+ropes Loop

4x Weaver’s hut + 2x Ropeyards. Weaver’s hut should be constantly running, while Ropeyards running only when you need certain amount of ropes needed for shipbuilding.(With both ropeyards functional, weaver’s hut and ropeyards should get about 60

Optional: after advancing to Noblemen stage(when war machines are available to produce), add 1 hemp plantation next to each Ropeyard to make them constantly run at full capacity.

Another rope layout.

Uses 76.25 tiles per ropeyard, where 69 is the theoretical minimum.
Linen Here are 4 wine production units, each consisting of 3 wine yards, 1 barrel cooperage, and 1 wine press. The order from outside to inside is: yard/cooperage/yard/press/yard. Obviously, you need to make iron and wood available in the market places.

One market place for just 2 wine presses is a little overkill and you could place just one market place in the middle that would be able to get the wine from 4 presses. However, the barrel cooperage would not have a market place in its reach then, so this is the most efficient layout I could come up with. (Wasted tiles are marked with trees.)

Carpets are good to sell for extra money and needed for nomads to advance. Uses noria exploit. 4 Carpet loops are enough for 3600 Nomads or 6000 Envoys.

24×24 layout by Agmas

24×24 Layout for 4 Perfumeries, each running at 100% efficiency.

The corner farms, being further away from the norias, require 3 fields to maintain 100% efficiency.

94% Space Efficiency

23×24 Layout by Agmas

23×24 Layout for 6 Roasting Houses, each running at 100% efficiency.

91% Space Efficiency

Four candle chains with 29/30 efficiency.

If you lack space, or need less than four candle chains, you can use half or a quarter of this layout.

Field Exploit [ edit | edit source ]

Note: the Crop Farm is used as an example below. This strategy works best with fields 4×4 in size!

There are placement options for fields that are just outside the influence area of a building, as shown in the image to the right. However, there is a way to make such placement possible, even though it requires demolishing buildings and incurring extra building costs.

The problem: fields just outside influence area.

Build a new Crop Farm.

First, build a Crop Farm adjacent to the location of the field just outside of the influence area and use this farm to place that required field, as shown in the image to the left. Second, destroy that Crop Farm to release the existing fields from being tied to this Crop Farm.

Now build the permanent Crop Farm and make sure that the required field shows green before placing it. Now place 2 other fields, as shown in the image to the right. Take note that this field is now actually worked by the Crop Farm, in comparison to the first picture. This saves a lot of working space if multiple farms are placed like this!


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